Kerry designs an amazing plan of action, offering guidance, support and encouragement throughout the entire process, and allows for flexibility in appointments when certain FODMAPs trigger symptoms. She’s incredibly knowledgeable, very well studied and happily shares her knowledge with a quiet confidence that you can fully trust! A remarkable person who genuinely cares, and wants to make a difference. She has a heart of gold and definitely deserves recognition for her professionalism and expertise.
I have been working with Kerry in order to help me with IBS symptoms that I have had on and off (mostly on) for many many years. I have seen tremendous improvement thus far. When I first began working with Kerry, my symptoms were at a 9 and they are currently at a 2.5/3. I started seeing results immediately.
Kerry helped me with an improved way of doing FODMAP, as I was not doing it correctly. She also suggested various supplements that have helped me tremendously. I pride myself on doing my own research in order to improve my own health; I was hesitant to work with a Dietician as I thought I knew how to do a low FODMAP diet and what to eat/not to eat etc.. however I was not correct. I am so grateful that I found Kerry and began working with her. I would encourage anyone who has IBS symptoms to work with Kerry. Her guidance and support have been life changing for me.
I have been feeling great lately and having no issues at all. More energy, bloating is going down, nausea and vomiting is gone. I have even dropped weight on the scale and people at work and the gym are noticing a difference. Bloating really makes a big difference in your appearance. I know the goal was not to lose weight, but it feels so good to just see the bloating disappear.
Through a very structured and guided approach, Kerry was able to identify triggers along with other factors that were contributing to my symptoms and flare ups. I was always afraid to eat most fruits and vegetables thinking it would exacerbate my symptoms but after slowly and strategically introducing them back into my diet, I soon realized it had the opposite effect just as Kerry explained. This would not be possible on my own.
It was so nice to work with someone who personally knows what you’re going through in regards to IBS. Not only that, Kerry is incredibly knowledgeable. She was able to help me with an ailment that’s hindered my life for years and I could never thank her enough. An amazing person and God sent!
I feel so much better. Last week I felt amazing, no symptoms. Even able to put shorts on and not feel like I was being suffocated from being bloated.
I feel so much better and even my mood has improved!
I went to the boardwalk and had an entire apple dipped in chocolate and rolled in M&Ms, and I had no symptoms. My husband couldn't believe it.
You'll never believe this. The craziest thing. You know how I told you I had no desire to eat dairy or gluten? Well, I went to a party and had both. And I had NO symptoms!
My old roomate and I got a hotel room for the weekend and honestly the entire weekend went really well. I tried to manage what I ate but still allowed for some error. Honestly overall my symptoms were very minor. So that was a win for me because the idea of sharing a room and bathroom would normally stress me out.
I haven't used antacids or Nexium since I started working with you. My reflux is nonexistant.
I NEVER thought I would have way more good tummy days than bad. Thank you for helping me get here and still enjoy food!